Who killed the author?

Ronald Barth was the first person to acknowledge the plight of an author when he made a study on structuralism and post-structuralism in linguistics. When you write even a simple essay it requires a structure which has three parts- Intro, Body and Conclusion. When screenplay writers write their plays, they also need to follow a structure, like a thriller generally has a three act structure. As I started my journey of a writer, some producers asked- are you an unconflicted writer? Reading between the lines, I gathered the meaning of unconflicted, which is; a writer is a hyphenated creature. For him there is no conflict of interest, there is only maximization or juggling of interests of the producer. It doesn't count how you have perceived the idea and written the script. It’s the Producer how he sees it and how he wants to bring it on the screen. For that if you have pitched him a three act structure for a thriller; he had agreed on it and consent...