Irony called life!

What's the synonym for gangster, terrorist, politician = chaos, mayhem, unrest. One cannot argue the facts, only can change the lens through which one looks at them. The Paris attacks on 13/11/15 brougth back once again a stark reality of life, freedom and security. Surely the dice have rolled towards security but so far, time and again it has been proven that no state or a country can give absolute security to its citizens. No matter whether its a developed nation or an underdeveloped country, it has failed to stop such atrocious crime of massacre against mankind. Terrorism is designed to provoke an overreaction, either complete disengagement or a massive show of force. What US did after 9/11; toppled the Taliban governement, which had allowed al-Qaeda to operate in Afganisthan and drove al-Qaeda from its hideouts, to park and plan somewhere else. The way Islamic terror groups have formed, its an alarming lesson. By bombarding one area and group, is th...