Importance of Reading:

Importance of reading, a campaign developed for Philippine Star, an English national daily in the Philippines. The creative writing and play of design with the paper tool and the placement of the Philippine Star logo, fetched a Creative Guild- Best Craftsman copy award. Marketing problem: How does an English daily increase its circulation and advertisers in a vernacular country, like Philippines, out of 87.12 million populous only 18% actively read an English daily. Challange:With limited space had to capture the readers attention, create curiosity and inform. Creative solution: The theme was that of a traveler, roaming the world, with his constant companion, the news paper. Result: The campaign was a success; it doubled the sales for Philippines Star. So how does a copy-shot, with no mention of the brand name grab attention? curiosity may be! inform!? With the above design template the challange was met, as ...