Just as rules come in the path of justice, religion comes in the way of God. In this digital age, can we develop an app to directly connect with God? as God app! I had this query and so went on a journey to discover GOD! Rumor had it that Angel investors are angels for startups and the word app; If created creatively it might also win accolades and applauds! Religion to me is a dress code, as an infant one does not chose a particular religion their parents decide that. Following a given faith is serendipity, you happen to follow a particular religion, a practice because you happen to be born to a particular family following a given faith. Earlier humans were wise they prayed to nature, the wonders of the sunset, beauty of the moon, thunders and lightening. Simple things which affected their daily lives. With evolution came transformation, in thinking, preaching and practices. After-all evolution is a remarkable theory and all theories can be put to test. But evolution of man wi...