Binge TV vs Traditional TV

Once upon time not too long ago, broadcasters, TV scheduler's held an important role. They had the power to control our viewing habits, dictate when we are going to be informed, entertained, engaged and moved. But technology evolved shifting that power to audiences. In recent years more households are adapting and taking advantage of connected TV, mobile apps, online viewing, thus traditional TV is getting brow beaten. The super hero scheduler is loosing control. The other difference of Traditional TV was in a 30 minute viewing the programme was only for 22-24 minutes. The remaining time slot was for advertisements. Two bumper breaks in a 30 minute show. Where the importance of show title becomes mandatory after each break to hold a continuity. Binge TV is different where by the audience can watch multiple episodes/seasons in rapid succession without any interruptions. Thus the continuity of repeating titles does not hold importance. Now content for Binge TV writing is a...