Tolerance Vs Intolerance: an open letter

The march from Indiagate is being organised by Mr. Anupam Kher and his group. Few days back another march took place, held by the opposition party of India. So I am expressing my views. India is a diverse society it is a request to the government and various opposition parties practising Politics to not to make it a fragmented society. A dissent is being expressed by the literary section of India, and I hope that this discord can be solved by a dialogue between the concerned parties and the ruling government. Another issue, India has 29 states and 7 Union territories, as of date, what happens in a single state or a constituency is the sole responsibility of the state administrator. For this, every now and then, one cannot hold a nation's Prime minister to be answerable! The transgression and the subsequent conduct should be made punishable as per the state law. The literary section does need a reminder, to kindly read the const...