Perspective is Everything?

Prambanan Temple at Yogjakarta, Indonesia. A UNESCO world Heritage site, largest Hindu temple in Indonesia and one of the World's biggest in South East Asia. The 9th Century Hindu temple, is the symbol of TRIMURTI. Prambanan temple has a special significance because the three Gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva's temples are stretched in the 17 kms compound. The expression of God, in Hindu philosophy, prevalent since post Vedic period, The Creator, Brahma; the Preserver, Vishnu; The Destroyer, Shiva all of the three Gods/ Elements, make a complete circle of life. Perspective was better explained when I walked through National Geographic society’s latest exhibition. In the world of photography there are not only B/W & Coloured scales there are grey scales as well. Now when one frames a shot, whose story are we telling? Was my query; Maggie stabber’s reply was “the real art of telling a story is behind the vision.” From a perspective, one can delude onese...