What is Danet?

A name holds a very important feature in a person's life and in a product's life. From your name one can create a brand. While I took my journey to find and define my course of work, after departing from KL, I made my arrival in Hanoi. The picturesque landscape held my view but the practical side nudged on to find a suitable vocation. I chanced upon meeting two creative, individuals, Hanh & Binh and their new baby Danet. On asking what is Danet, Binh said, it means "God is my judge, its a hebrew version". And the insight was for any kind of creative work, audience is the best judge. Hanh chirped in, Yes and also "its an old english girl's name. "Though Vietnam is called the fatherland but women exercise their rights equally, freely and successfully & Danet is an inspiration to new creative form in digital media for everyone. http://www.danet.vn/go For me it was a god send prayer. Every creative wants to get their work published its...