Happy Birthday Buddha

Cross legged, sitting in the half lotus position, the eyes closed, lips, the incline of the head and the back of right hand leaning on the palm of left. Thumbs touching each other forming the mythic triangle portrays a humbling depth of character and solemnity. Most of Buddha statues are made in this Bhumiparsha Mudra. Bhumi means earth and sparsha means touching; touching the earth or connecting with the earth as everything exists, grows and develops in this planet. Out of 8 mudras; Dhyan Mudra symbolizes connection with one self and gaining wisdom. This is the Statue located in Đường Mai Chí Thọ, An Phú, Quận 2, Hồ Chí Minh The journey of Siddhartha Gautama to Gautama Buddha is very popular. His teachings are accepted and practiced widely across the world. One significant fact about Siddhartha was that he was born in a Kshatriya family of Shakya clan, on a full moon night. Thus the celebration happens on a Purnim...