Another Shitty Story

Another Shitty Story = ASS Piku, a Bollywood film got applauds when the story teller touched a shitty subject like problems of constipation and old age in a witty style. However, when a school boy actually recorded the process of shitting at school, got reprimanded. It was early morning; the school bus was already at the corner. As Pat put on his socks, wore his Nike sports shoes, tied the lace and hit the pavement to board his bus to school. Monday morning blues turned out to be Monday morning quarterback. The bus accelerated to maintain time, increasing Pat’s tummy growling. Last night’s steak was undergoing peristalsis, embarrassing Pat. Assembly harangued through, increasing Pat’s discomfort to sit through the whole Monday speech by the Principal. As the assemblage got dismissed, Pat sped through the corridors towards the toilets. Least did Pat realize that his discomfort to shed load will become a hit story that Monday. Jonathan, an amateur videographer and a pee...