Transformation: Trends in Media and Entertainment

Ardent gamers and comic strip buff would surely know Metamorphosis as a theme. The process excites viewers and at times leaves them in awe. It’s that amazing moment when the protagonist or antagonist of the story goes through transformation so distinct it leaves one speechless. Over the years there have been many extreme transformations in many industries like healthcare, retail, media and entertainment. Whether you are a big movie fan, video game junkie or a TV binge watcher, new technologies have completely changed the way we engage, connect and communicate. Often in stories, character transformations are not limited to magical genre. In fact, there are many great titles which show anime characters that transform into unusual, more sinister or just bonkerballs nuts. Naruto Shippunden’s Naruto Uzumaki: Naruto Uzumaki is a skilled fighter and ninja.He master’s the art of "jinchuriki," which gives him the ability to connect with his tailed beast’s chakra....