Madness & Massacre in Peshawar.

The images are surely heart rendering, although the sceptics will say that with this news the TRps have boomed and the TV stations are making millions, the artillery factories are also counting the green notes, the various governments are scuffling. But the heaviest weights are being picked up in small coffins by the parents. Realism can be punishing. Probabilistic scepticism is worse. It is difficult to go about life wearing probabilistic glasses, as one starts seeing fools of randomness all around, in a variety of situations-obdurate in their perceptional illusions. To start, it is impossible to read a historian’s analysis without questioning the inferences: We know that Hannible and Hitler were mad in their pursuits, and so are the ilks of Taliban and Al-quida's. So what shall we do? Turn a blind eye and say All Izz Well. And keep waiting till the realization dawns on this fanatics of faith? "We are twice armed if we fight with faith." Pla...