Life, a fiction or reality?

This is a question in everyone’s mind as one read today’s headlines in mostly all the Indian news-papers. A shifting society, like India’s is bound to generate an interest in appearance and in the philosophical sense. It is significant that the only character in Hindu mythology, a King, to be given a title of “ekam-patni-vrata”, devoted to a single wife, that to when the King, Ram/Rama, abandons her for protecting family reputation and keeping his kingdom. In 1936, the British Empire faced a crisis, when its Monarch, Edward the VIII th , abdicated the throne to live with his lady love. Now 2010, Minister of State for External Affairs , Shahi Tharoor, submits his resignation, because of his then friend, Sunanada Pushakar, had equity stakes in Rendezvous Sports World (RSW), heading the consortium that owns the Kochi team. It was later disclosed that Pushkar got sweat equity of the value of Rs 70 crore RSW following which the opposition has been gunning for his removal on the...