A corporate story called Religion

It is said religion unites people, culture, region, may be nations and political agendas. The purpose of religion, as subtly expressed by Dalai Lama, is to control one self not to criticise others. A meaningful statement which gets used, overused, abused, underused by various strata of cults and groups to achieve their respective interests. In a pragmatic world, like the modern one, religion is a means to get one's end. Some may say its a theory while other's may agree that religion is a method and practice. Few modern thinkers believe that religion is a date on a calendar which gives rest to people from their daily chores. Holidays always substantiate the spendings in tourism, travel, food etc. The data seekers who always find things with measuring units. Even abstract things like religion, empathy, love also to them would give grounds for measurements and datas which leads to read behaviour of people in general. For example a fair estimate suggests there are abou...