Matrix of 2019

In Hindi a very common phrase is उन्नीस - बीस हो सकता है कृपया समायोजित करें If at-times there is a slip between the cup and the lip, kindly alter and adjust! But in the matrix of BIG-DATA- 2019, is non-adjustable- Why? In this Technology -Boom, we have lost some Basic-Things, so here is a list: 1. Common-Sense, it’s a mistake to exercise this right, because, most of the rest, do not do so! 2. Trust, the fine line between Fake and Factual is GONE. 3. Reality, the virtual World has become so enticing and exciting which fades out reality and relevance. 4. Ableness, the ability to differentiate between Goal and Ambition. Goal, is a specific result which is to be achieved with certain targets. Ambition is a desire to fulfil, regarding the course of attaining a goal. 5. Deliverance, the gap between the Promi...