
Showing posts from September 16, 2018

For whom the bell tolls- Bots, Robots or Humans?

Come September announces autumn, everything that makes fall the best season from the gorgeous foliage to the festive traditions. Come September is the fall for two industries; Broadcast and Media-advertising. The TV industry with its practice of "Primetime"format driven; unwanted breaks for innate ads in between programs, pushes its audiences off. The media industry's practice of  Targets, Tables, Calendars, Models, Templates and repeat..... pushes off it's consumers. Both industries thrive on communication. Communication happens between humans. We no longer live in the age of remix.   “ Thinkers ”   are not aggregators. When you invoke true deep human emotions and feelings you better have them connect to something real.  As media habits evolve, advertisers have to find the points of highly concentrated engagement through-out the day. The study, from the IAB, demonstrates that brands should ...