Interviewing Blithe Spirits!

For a writer, inspiration sometimes does not come easily. One has to go behind it with a club to be badgered out on the virgin sheet of paper more real than what one has to say, and so often one regrets having marred it.
I sometimes get stories from the most bizarre places. For me writing is an adventure.

The other day in a party, I came across an old acquaintance, Josh. After exchanging the niceties, he asked what I was doing lately. My retort came as nothing much of value.  He casually enquired, if I was interested in joining him for a tete a tete with spirits.
Spirits, I looked around, and my eyes fell on the bartender, who was carrying some scotch to the other side. I said, there is enough scotch for getting into high spirits, why bother for another tete a tete for spirits!
Uff, Josh exclaimed exasperated, I meant Ghosts, an interview with ghosts lah.
Ghosts, I said, in a shrugging tone, do you of all people now buy that!
Well said Josh, nothing harm in finding out.

Josh, is an architect and his confounded belief is that every building has a story in itself to tell, one just needs to discover it. So here we went to find the story and say hello to netherworld people.

The cynic that I am, I told Josh, that as we are going for an interview, let’s interview someone who could be able to give his side of the story from netherworld. A spirit with certitude of intelligence, insight, understanding of both the worlds and could state similarities and dissimilarities that exists in the mortal world and the netherworld.
What kind of political system they have? How do they sort out souls as per one’s faith or color! How does one get elected, is it through democratic voting or just following imperial dynasty? Etc…
A rueful Josh, shook his head in disdain, and told me this was not a choice of his, whom to interview, and what level of IQ the ghost possessed was one to be found out only if he\she graced the occasion with his\her presence.
So here we were waiting with gears to test the paranormal activities near this cemetery.

A paranormal investigation is a lengthy process that involves commitment from those conducting the investigation to find answers that can logically explain the activity. Part of that includes many hours of researching the property and area's history, geological data, and environmental concerns as well as explanations for specific paranormal claims. It is important to note that much of the research done is to accompany the data collected and finding out logical reasons to abnormal or paranormal sightings. It does not mean that if an accident had occurred on that particular place or even if it was a burial ground before some new construction has come up one can see or experience ghosts.
Research has led to many theories that could be considered as actual answers to paranormal activities.  For example the area around Taiping. During the Japanese occupation, a number of skirmishes were fought near that area and there had been many battle fatalities and a cemetery had come up remembering those war heroes. It was an ideal spot for us we thought.

The other theory is geological factors and environmental concerns. Presence of toxins or chemicals in a particular region or area may cause someone to hear or see things that may not have a logical explanation. Carbon monoxide levels are checked on the areas or homes to be said to have viewed paranormal activities.
If a lot of EVP’s (electronic voice phenomenons) are captured on the site, then there should be a data available on what transmission towers are available in the vicinity. If a person is experiencing unexplained illness and feelings of being “watched” that have been ruled out medically. Then a check on sources of electricity should be tested. Like what power lines and power stations are in that locality for potential reactions to high electromagnetic fields (EMF). Wirings at home should also be checked, which could produce high EMF’s.
Now that day with all the full proof research done, our rendezvous did not occur. We just have to wait for our chance to meet and interview a blight spirit some other day.


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