Keyword Evolution

Evolution of man in written on this planet.
From industrial age to digital age...

Image sourced from Googleimage

Marvels of Marconi, Alexander Bell, James Watt, Thomas Edison gave the world its tech wonders in 19th century.

20th Century continued its progress and diversity which made space with Random Access storage device by Freddie William's team; Microchip co-invented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce.

Mechanical world transforms to digital world. And the mantra of diversity continues.

Communication gets empowerment. Connect and connectivity become the buzzwords.

Instant solutions become the keywords.

Hello Hello.... to Whattzup!, make-up the new greetings for the mellinials.

Buying a product from the shelf gets shelved. Choices increase, confusion doubles, online sites, online sales.

Retail market now become click tales.

Easy accessibility of daily products gets priority.

So how should the product story get focussed for consumers to click and pick their choice of goods?

Thus begins the KEYWORD game in online advertising.

Beware with the intentional fallacy of Keywords.

Google's Hummingbird update has changed the way Google views keywords.

The search engine focuses on the semantic context rather than specific words and phrases.

Example :

If you search with keywords to get your photo into a cartoon sketch

It shows the advertised paid copy right at the bottom of Google.

This happens because of lack of precision for ranking information. Google no longer provides this.
Third party-sites offer it on their own but its tough, as you ultimately have to choose either Adsense or Alternate online campaign platforms.

Focusing too much on keywords while writing about your product benefits can kill the message, as Google constantly changes their keyword strategy, which can be advantageous to your competitors as they will monitor your Ad-copy on realtime.

The real purpose of Keywords have always been a central factor for SEO. Therefore use it like salt. Sparingly, do not overuse, abuse or underuse.


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