Smart Colour Purple

Colour plays an important role in everyday life.

Be it weddings, festivals, get-together; for attires, accessories with colorful stones enhance the look, hair color and its playful shades. Even while choosing a company logo.

While doing a search for logos saw the play of colour purple in use. So begins my journey of discovering its significance.

The color purple gets a mention in the novel written by Alice walker in an epistolary style on discrimination of blacks set in 1930’s. Which won the Pulitzer in 1983 and Steven Spielberg adapted the book to screen in 1984.

Now play of purple:

Purple is one of the three secondary colours with a combination of red and blue. It classifies itself as somewhat warm yet cool. It derives its warmth from the stimulant red and the cool factor comes from blue’s calmness.

A blue purple becomes visually cool while a red purple denotes warmth. Like the logo of Yahoo! As an internet search engine giant second to Google, Yahoo uses the warm colour purple to evoke emotion of power, boldness for online searches.

 Monster, job finder company on the other hand uses calmness of blue. Which says keep calm while job hunting!

 a science fiction television station. After all science fiction genre is famous for its mystery and sensuality. Logo plays with font and colour.

Colour purple, has the power to uplift one’s mood, encourage creativity, making it an all-inclusive colour which relates to all age groups, genders and cultures.

Colour purple and its role in communication:

1. Royalty & Nobility:   Purple was the royal colour used by Cesar. In ancient times purple stained glasses were in use which had its significance for uniting the “wisdom” of blue and “love” of red.

History says, Leonardo Da Vinci liked to meditate in purple light for best results.

       The Byzantine emperor’s signed edicts in purple ink. 

Asprey of London a luxury emporium company that supplied royal families with crowns, coronets, scepters since 1700’s uses purple a sign of royalty and power.

2. Value: Notions of royalty causes colour purple to communicate a sense of value. 
    For this reason the highest value of poker chip is ($5000) is purple.

A Professional basketball team Scarmento Kings former name Rochester Royals use purple so do major league baseball team The Colorado Rockies. “Purple Row” is a very popular Rockies fan blog.

The Global media agency of Group M called Mindshare use colour purple.

Adobe InDesign logo plays on fuscia side of purple. The colour play gives a creative and luxurious brand image.

3. Purity: Purple is also considered pure and sacred. In Egypt purple is a symbol of virtue and faith. 

In Tibet, Amethyst stone is associated to be close to Buddha. The prayer beads maybe found in purple colour. 
In Iran Purple is associated with future; during an eclipse a sun or the moon looks purple which is an omen of blood-shed in that year. 
In Christian World purple is associated with Advent and Lent.

To maintain its heritage and superior academics New York University uses colour purple as its primary school colour.

 4. Courage :  Colour purple symbolizes courage. U.S Military Purple Heart Award represents courage and bravery.

images sourced by Google

Therefore colour purple embodies the balance of vibrant red and the cool blue. In Indian philosophy, Shahasra chakra or the Crown chakra located at top of the head which connects the nervous system and brain is considered the centre to hold complete consciousness.

In the cosmos there are diverse elements with various qualities and functions like fire, water, air, earth but the basis is always the same CONNECT and AWAKE the pure essence in a being which is consciousness. And it is said that colour purple has these qualities.


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