Published works- Portfolio

Digital Media is platform oriented. 
Each UX has its own UI. Therefore the content and its drafts need to be crafted accordingly.

I have some examples where I have experimented with my creativity and monitored, how it has received reactions, impressions on that particular web site.

The very first is for BBC Story-works, APAC. Where English is a second language of communication. If we can make a format in pod-cast, this is how the dialogue will sound.

If we just focus on a picture, which tells thousand words, then this will be the communication message.
Post-It which makes the message important, a small-copy, which adds relevance. All in one slide. No need to swipe even. Also mobile-app-friendly.

This is my article with a case-study on advertising and its usage. Which had over 250 impressions without using any paid media and marketing tools.
Marrying a copy with a picture using a single-frame, gives more readibilty and access to reach more users. 

Being a professional photographer, I have been able to sell some of my pictures from this site. And this picture, won me my current award for 2018 Travel-photography. Thus sharing.

While exploring a CMS design, this one ,was what got crafted. 
The idea was to be informative yet being casual. For Mobile-apps.


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