Same-same but different

In Vietnam this is a common phrase- Same same but different. 

Which means viewing a content is not limited to a particular medium 
but the methodology is different.

Technology has enabled, subscription business models. 
Which focus on the way revenue is made so that a single customer pays multiple payments for prolonged access to a good or service.
With the rise of technology and Software-as -a service (SaaS) products, 
many companies are moving from a business revenue model 
where revenue is made from a customer's one-time purchase to a subscription model 
where revenue is made on a recurring basis in return for consistent access 
to the delivery of a good or service.
Jan 5th 2020, happens to be National Screenwriters day. 

Where Hollywood is celebrating a continued success for 
the major contents coming out, in most of US generated platforms, 
few local platforms have started to shut shop like VIU in India and others in Asia.
This requires to look back at the craft of story writing and story telling for OTT.
On one hand there is continuous content demand for short forms and long, 
but video always demands a process. 
Along with the 4 P’s Product, Price, Positioning and promotion, 
the 5th P in videos is the process from craft to execution. 
Just like in Marketing mix, which ensures putting the right product in the right place, 
then magic of sales and revenue happens, similarly in videos, 
concepts with structured writing and good production value 
always plays out along with that the right distribution platform makes a recipe successful.

Content strategy should be platform worthy.
Streaming is not same like TV. If you are putting the same content 
for TV again on OTT, why should audiences pay once again to subscribe for your platform?

For Content Producers and channels its 
high time you learn that often you can get away fooling most of 
your audiences but not always.


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